Magnehelic Haute Précision série 2000HA

Le manomètre Magnehelic série 2000-HA offre une précision 2 fois meilleure que la version standard.

Ils sont équipé d’une échelle miroir permettant d’éviter les erreurs de parallaxe lors de la lecture.

Un certificat de calibration usine 6 points est également inclus.

Modèle présenté équipé de l’option collerette en inox.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour connaitre les échelles disponibles.

Brass safety relief valve, protects Magnehelic® gage or Photohelic® switch/gage against over pressure due to regulator failure, etc, opens at 10 psi. Mounts in tee fitting. 1/4 A-321 Brass safety relief valve, protects Magnehelic® gage or Photohelic® switch/gage against over pressure due to regulator failure, etc, opens at 10 psi. Mounts in tee fitting. 1/4" NPT(M) (use two for DP application). .5" x .5" x 1.5", .10 .lb
Air filter kit - adapts any standard Magnehelic® gage for use as an air filter gage. Includes aluminum surface mounting bracket with screws, (2) 5 ft (1.5 m) lengths of 1/4 A-605 Air filter kit - adapts any standard Magnehelic® gage for use as an air filter gage. Includes aluminum surface mounting bracket with screws, (2) 5 ft (1.5 m) lengths of 1/4" aluminum tubing, (2) static pressure tips & (2) molded plastic vent valves.
Pipe mounting kit for 1-1/4 A-610 Pipe mounting kit for 1-1/4" to 2" pipe. 5.6" x 4.6" x 1.4", 1.0 .lb
Flat aluminum bracket for flush mounting Magnehelic® gage. 6.8 A-300 Flat aluminum bracket for flush mounting Magnehelic® gage. 6.8" x 6.0" x .1", .35 lb.
3-way vent valve, plastic, 1/8 A-310A 3-way vent valve, plastic, 1/8" NPT to 1/4" metal tubing, 80 psi rating, replaces former Model A-310 (brass). 2.3" x .8" x .1", .10 lb.
Plastic carrying case for Magnehelic® gage of standard range, except high pressure connection, includes 9 ft (2.7m) of 3/16 A-432 Plastic carrying case for Magnehelic® gage of standard range, except high pressure connection, includes 9 ft (2.7m) of 3/16" ID rubber tubing, stand-hang bracket & terminal tube with holder. 9.1" x 7.4" x 3.6", 1.30 .lb
Flush mount kit for Magnehelic® gages. A-464 Flush mount kit for Magnehelic® gages.
3-piece magnet kit for mounting Magnehelic® gage directly to a magnetic surface, 3.3 A-448 3-piece magnet kit for mounting Magnehelic® gage directly to a magnetic surface, 3.3" x 1.7" x .5", .20 .lb
A-605B Air filter kit with (2) plastic open/close valves, (2) 4" steel static tips, tubing & mounting flange.
A-605C Air filter kit with (2) plastic open/close valves, (2) plastic static tips, tubing & mounting flange.
Rubber gasket for panel mounting. A-135 Rubber gasket for panel mounting.
Stand-hang bracket, aluminum, for Magnehelic® gage. A-369 Stand-hang bracket, aluminum, for Magnehelic® gage.
Surface mounting plate, aluminum, for Magnehelic® gage. A-368 Surface mounting plate, aluminum, for Magnehelic® gage.
Surface mounting bracket, use with Photohelic® switch/gage on horizontal or vertical surfaces, also for Capsu-Photohelic® switch/gage on vertical only. Also Magnehelic® -MP, -HP models. A-371 Surface mounting bracket, use with Photohelic® switch/gage on horizontal or vertical surfaces, also for Capsu-Photohelic® switch/gage on vertical only. Also Magnehelic® -MP, -HP models.
4-1/2 A-286 4-1/2" Gage panel mounting flange
Plastic carrying case (7-9/16 A-401 Plastic carrying case (7-9/16" x 5-7/8" x 2-13/16").
Mounting bracket flush mount Magnehelic® gage in bracket. Bracket is then surface mounted . Steel with gray hammertone epoxy finish. 6.3 A-299 Mounting bracket flush mount Magnehelic® gage in bracket. Bracket is then surface mounted . Steel with gray hammertone epoxy finish. 6.3" x 7.7" x 4.0", 1.30 lb.
Installer kit, (includes 2 static pressure tips and PVC tubing). A-481 Installer kit, (includes 2 static pressure tips and PVC tubing).
Weatherproof enclosure, ABS, compatible with 3000MR/MRS Photohelic® switch/gage, 605 Magnehelic®
differential pressure transmitter, DH3 Digihelic® pressure controller (to fit, the casing on the electrical plug must be removed),
2000 Magnehelic® gage with medium and high pressure options A-320-B1 Weatherproof enclosure, ABS, compatible with 3000MR/MRS Photohelic® switch/gage, 605 Magnehelic® differential pressure transmitter, DH3 Digihelic® pressure controller (to fit, the casing on the electrical plug must be removed), 2000 Magnehelic® gage with medium and high pressure options
Weatherproof enclosure, ABS, compatible with 2000 Magnehelic® gage, DM-2000 differential pressure transmitter (mounted horizontally). A-320-A1 Weatherproof enclosure, ABS, compatible with 2000 Magnehelic® gage, DM-2000 differential pressure transmitter (mounted horizontally).
Instrument enclosure, 304SS, brushed finish, compatible with 2000 Magnehelic® gage A-320-A-SS Instrument enclosure, 304SS, brushed finish, compatible with 2000 Magnehelic® gage
Weatherproof enclosure, ABS, compatible with 2000 Magnehelic® gage, DM-1000 DigiMag® digital differential
pressure gage, DM-2000 differential pressure transmitter,
instruments with backwards compatible bezel option A-320-BC Weatherproof enclosure, ABS, compatible with 2000 Magnehelic® gage, DM-1000 DigiMag® digital differential pressure gage, DM-2000 differential pressure transmitter, instruments with backwards compatible bezel option
Instrument enclosure, 304SS, brushed finish, compatible with 2000 Magnehelic® gage, DM-2000 differential pressure transmitter A-320-B-SS Instrument enclosure, 304SS, brushed finish, compatible with 2000 Magnehelic® gage, DM-2000 differential pressure transmitter
Mounting panel for Magnehelic®. A-607 Mounting panel for Magnehelic®.

Pour marque-pages : Permaliens.

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